International Symposium: Privately owned Public Spaces {POPS} — Places, People, Policies, Processes, Projects


INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, Tokyo University 28. February 2012

The quality of life in our cities depends largely on the quality, availability, accessibility, and social inclusiveness of public space. Public space, or better, publicly usable space, is today produced through varying and ever more complex management arrangements between diverse government authorities, civil society groups and the corporate sector. It is precisely this presence of multiple spatial and managerial arrangements that influence the relationship between public and private spheres in contemporary urban space and predicates the complex ways citizens interact —yet these spaces and the deeper implications of their existence in increasing numbers is only little understood. In many cities worldwide incentive planning instruments have produced so-called privately owned public spaces (POPS) —planned, produced, managed and controlled through the private sector. Utilising the rich experience cities as diverse as New York, Santiago de Chile, Melbourne, Berlin, Taipei, Bangkok, Hong Kong, or Tokyo have made over the last decades offers some important insights into these issues. This seminar seeks to develop a first platform for a long-term, internationally comparative research, analysing the varying arrangements that produce publicly usable spaces through private actors in different socio-cultural contexts and to facilitate learning processes between practitioners and academia. Through presentations and intensive discussions participants will address a comprehensive set of questions:


How many POPS exist in the different cities, where are they located, and how do their numbers compare to the overall public space network? Which factors determine their size, form, lay-out and connectivity to other adjacent public spaces? How did design and form change over history, what are driving factors?


Who uses POPS when, how, and for what reason —potentially and in actuality? Do private property rights collide with the prescribed public nature of those spaces, and what are the implications?


Who are main actors in the production process, what are their interests, resources & interdependencies? What are implications for future planning processes & inclusive urban governance?


Which cause-effect relations produce, govern and regulate publicly usable spaces at the intersection of public and private interests in Japan and how and why does that differ from Germany, Chile, Australia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan or the USA? What can those different planning cultures learn from each other?

>> download the special journal that is based on the symposium: Privately Owned Public Space - The International Perspective <<


09:00 - 09:25    Christian DIMMER + Takefumi KUROSE, University of Tokyo, Urban Design Lab.
                           Welcome & Introduction to the project
09:25 - 09:30   Jan LINDENBERG, Independent Community Design Researcher, Institute for
                           Information Design Japan
                           Mapping Tokyo’s POPS

SESSION 1:   POPS Provision in Tokyo and Yokohama

09:30 - 09:50   Yuki KATSURA, City of Yokohama, Urban Design Bureau
                           Embedding the Production of POPS in Holistic Plans: The Yokohama Formula
09:50 - 10:10   Ayane MAEKAWA, University of Tokyo, Department of Urban Engineering,
                           Urban Design Lab.
                           User in Privately Owned Interior Spaces
10:10 - 10:30   Yasuhiro TANABE, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
                           Urban Development Projects and Open Space in Tokyo
10:30 - 10:50   Toshihiro HORI, Tokyo Denki University, Department of Architecture, Matsuoka Lab.
                           Local adaptations of incentive zoning on ward level
10:50 - 11:10   Masami KOBAYASHI, Meiji University, Department of Science and Engineering
                           Mapping and Examining POPS Networks in Tokyo
11:10 - 12:00   Roundtable discussion

SESSION 2:   POPS Provision in an International Perspective

12:45 - 13:05   Prof. Jeffrey HOU, University of Washington, Landscape Architecture Chair
                           Occupy POPS- Is Public Space Alive in the USA?
13:05 - 13:25   HSU, Yen-Shing, Taipei City Government, Deputy Chief Engineer of
                           Urban Regeneration Office
                           From Capitalizing Public Life to Subjectivlizing Urban Life
13:25 - 13:45   Dr. Juliane PEGELS, University of Aachen, Department of Architecture,
                           Planning Theory Lab.
                           Co-production of Publicly Usable Space: Findings Germany & New York
13:45 - 14:05   LIEN Chen-Yu & SHIH Pei-Yin, National Taiwan University, PhD Candidate,
                           Classical Landscape Architecture Consultants
                           Time x Space: The Experiences of Temporary POPS in Taipei
14:05 - 14:25   Sakrapat ANURAKPRADORN, Chulalongkorn University, Urban Conservation
                           & Regeneration Lab, Department of Urban & Regional Planning
                           Thai-Thai Public Spaces : Bangkok's Privately Owned Public Spaces
14:25 - 14:45   XING, Na, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PhD candidate School of Design
                           Open Public Space in Hong Kong
14:45 - 15:05   Prof. Elke SCHLACK, Universidad Andres Bello, School of Architecture
                           German Bannen’s Vision of an Integrated Public Space Network: Surveying POPS
                           in Providencia, Santiago di Chile
15:05 - 15:45   Roundtable discussion

SESSION 3:    POPS in Japan: Building and managing Corporate Commons

16:00 - 16:30   Kei MINOHARA, Urban Planner, President of Minohara Project Conductor's Office
                           Historical Evolution and POPS production in the Longue Durée
16:30 - 16:50   Prof. Hiroshi TSUCHIDA, Tokyo Denki University, Department of Architecture,
                           Urban Design Laboratory
                           The Making of an integrated POPS networks in Shiodome
16:50 - 17:10   Prof. Atsushi DEGUCHI, University of Tokyo, Department of Socio-cultural and
                           Environmental Studies, Spatial Planning Unit
                           Managing POPS and vitalising Public Space in Fukuoka City
17:10 - 18:15   Roundtable discussion

>> download the special journal that is based on the symposium: Privately Owned Public Space - The International Perspective <<